
In line with our high quality policy formed through our mission, vision and core values, we also believe in the enormous importance of customer satisfaction created by our products and services.

To provide you with the best possible service, we at “Ambiance Invest have strengthened our commitment to customer satisfaction through overall strategies and efforts aimed at improving customer relationship processes.

Ambiance Invest takes out the worry from you while you are trying to buy or sell a property abroad as you know this could be a major concern as well as it represents a significant investment most of the times. Providing an efficient client service means understanding Turkey, its people, its language and being able to work within its system. It means knowing how the various authorities work, how to get things done legitimately, quickly and effectively. It means having a team of reliable professionals to call on for any of the specialised services that may be needed at any time.

Your property in the Turkey represents a considerable investment – a source of enjoyment and ongoing pleasure for your family and friends whilst remaining a significant asset. If you are not permanently resident then the chores involved with owning, running and maintaining a second home will take up a lot of your valuable time.

Our service for you!

We offer a special type of service.
With us, you are in safe hands. Enjoy your precious time. Whatever you need we will be there for you.